
Saturday 24th March 2018

After another pleasant 7 night stay at Don Cactus we paid our bill, 7 nights for price of 6, and moved westward again yesterday.

Kim had noticed a campsite online, Málaga Monte Parc near to Málaga Airport.

Towing Kilometres – Today: 135 Cumulative: 11,824

The site would be a convenient location for us as we had agreed to transport Elliot & his friend Dylan from Málaga bus station down to Tarifa for them to catch the ferry to Tangier.

I had also noticed that I had an outstanding staff travel flight to use before the end of March so we decided we would fly back to the UK on Thursday for Easter. This site has agreed to store the van for only €3.50 a night while we are away. Bargain.

We picked up the lads at the bus station around ten o’clock and made out way out of the city to the AP-7 toll road for the two hour journey south. Nearing Tarifa we enjoyed excellent views of Gibraltar, and once on the N340 road, the mountains of Morocco.

We dropped off our passengers at the port entrance and parked nearby.

We then set off to explore the town.

Tarifa is on the Costa de la Luz, “Coast Of Light”, on the straits of Gibraltar. It is the southernmost point of mainland Europe.

We wandered past Tarifa castle and crossed the causeway to the Isla de las Palomas. The causeway is the dividing point of the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean.

The wind speed was incredible, sand being blown from the beach into deep drifts on the Med side. My jacket & trouser pockets even had sand in them!

As we were walking back toward town we saw the ferry coming in, 15 minutes after it had been due to leave. We had heard the ferries here worked on ‘random’ timings 🙂

We walked back around the old walled part of town where we climbed up to get a view of the port and the ferry loading, passing many fine looking buildings on the way.

Having made our way back to the car through the narrow streets we set off for the two hour drive back to camp. A long day, but very enjoyable visit to this old port.

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