Our Plans Scuppered

Monday 16th April 2018

Our plans to use this site as a base for various visits over the past week were well and truly scuppered as my man flu developed into the worst head cold I can ever remember having! It is still persisting after a week and showing no signs of abating. Unfortunately Kim is now also suffering a very sore throat.

Fortunately all bar two of the days have been glorious, with many hours of sun and pleasant temperatures to try and recuperate in. The site is a pleasant, calm, oasis in which to be at this time of the year too.

Not feeling like doing much meant that most of the time has been spent reading, music listening, and watching TV rather than exploring.

We have made use, a couple of times, of our latest bit of kit, a portable twin tub washing machine. Having to part with €5 or more each time we needed to laundry was wearing thin so we thought we’d try this. 18 more washes to break even 🙂

It works very well.

We receive a friendly visitor every day.

I reckon if I were to be reincarnated, I could be him. He’ll eat bread, biscuits, and cake, but turns his nose up at vegetables.  Kim forbade me to test his liking of San Miguel 🙂

His most redeeming feature for me is that he drives every dog nearby nuts 🙂

On Saturday we were determined to get out for a while. We decided to take a walk into the nearby national park and wander up to the Torre de Meca (Mecca Tower) to savour the views.

The tower belongs to the system of coastal surveillance towers built by Philip II in the sixteenth century to defend the Spanish coasts from Berber pirates. It is 10.9 metres high and at an altitude of 164 metres.

On arrival it was clear that there was no way to actually climb the tower to see the views!

That sort of luck continued on the way back. My new boots decided to try to remove a few layers of skin from my right heal, leaving a painful blister. One of those weeks 🙂

On Sunday we took a short bicycle  ride down to investigate the Faro de Trafalgar, the lighthouse on the Cape of Trafalgar. It is a monumental lighthouse of approximately 34 meters high and a white truncated cone tower, built in 1860. After a nice walk around the cape we partook of a cerveza or two with tapas at a very busy beach bar. Can only imagine how rammed it would be in summer!!

Today has been another day of R&R. We plan to visit Cádiz tomorrow but we are not at all certain we are yet up for it. Watch this space.

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