No Gephyrophobia Here

Sunday 26th August 2018

After a casual pack away, we hitched up the caravan and pre-warmed the car engine to start the quite steep 5km climb up to the E16 road. Within a kilometre we entered the first of more than 30 tunnels on the route, the 11km tunnel to Gudvangen at the head of Nærøyfjord. Luckily there is no gephyrophobia * here 🙂

Towing Kilometres – Today: 150 Cumulative: 22,709

5km or so further on we saw signs for Stalheimskleiva, one of the steepest roads on Northern Europe. Although the road is now one-way only I could see cars slowly winding their way down and immediately decided it was no place for a caravan 🙂

Shortly afterwards we stopped to photograph Oppheimsvatnet, a stunning looking lake beside the E16.

Another 10km or so later we saw a nice looking waterfall with lots of parking space, so, not having had our rushing water fix today, we pulled over to savour the 152 metre high Tvindefossen.

Back under way we entered the municipality of Voss. I had been looking on the app yesterday and noticed that there was gas available there, so we stopped off and filled the caravan tanks.

Pulling out of the gas station we entered yet another long tunnel, another for Kim to add to the count 🙂

Later we decided  that it was time for a coffee. I noticed a layby on the left coming up, next to a lake. Then came the closest we have come to  an accident on the roads.

I signalled early my intention to pull into the layby and just as I started the turn, took a final look in the mirror, just in time to see a car overtaking me!! Fortunately they missed us.

The next 60 kilometres was like a slow speed funfair ride with the road, railway, and river seemingly corkscrewing over, under, and around each other!

Approaching Bergen  I noticed a layby with a bakery in it with lovely views so we stopped again for a late lunch of filled rolls and schillingsbollen.  A snip at near £20!

Looking at the ACSI site yesterday I had selected Lone Camping as a possible place to stay near Bergen.

As we came close to the site I recognised it as a place I declined to stop at in 2016. We continued down the road and came across Bratland Camping and on turning in I recognised it as the place I actually stayed  at  back then.

We setup on a small pitch near to the clean facilities and paid for two nights.
* Gephyrophobia – fear of bridges and tunnels

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