Great Meteoron Monastery

Saturday 29th June 2019

Today we were up at, for us, sparrow fart. The intention was to beat the crowds and visit the largest and oldest of the meteora monasteries The Great Meteoron Monastery.

Despite the early arrival we were still obliged to park 300 metres or so down the hill and walk back up. The person parked in front of us obviously couldn’t wait to visit and in his/her excitement had left their car engine running!

On arrival you descend 150 steps before climbing the same amount again up to the monastery. Taking heed of the dress code I was once again donning trousers and sleeved shirt. I needn’t have bothered because the rules don’t seem to be that rigidly applied.

Once you have paid your โ‚ฌ3 each entry fee you emerge into the light with fantastic views over all of the Meteora region.

Wandering around the various rooms and exhibits it was clear that the monastery is cared for to a very high standard.

It beggars belief that all the materials to build this impressive structure were hauled up in buckets and rope.

With minds suitably boggled we made our way via the 300 steps back to the car. The need to lose trousers and shirt and plunge in the pool was becoming urgent ๐Ÿ™‚

Sunday 30th June 2019

My 65th birthday! A few years back I could have called myself an OAP, but that pleasure will have to wait another 8 months, 6 days, apparently.

The plan was to move on today, into Bulgaria. I had read online about a campsite run by a Brit couple, Camping Kromidovo, so that became our target for the day.

The trip went very well on smooth Greek motorways, mostly toll free. There were nice views to be had and we think we may have seen Mount Olympus in the distance ๐Ÿ™‚ Then as we neared the border and we joined a very long, slow moving, queue to cross into Bulgaria.

There ensued a ninety minute wait to firstly pay a โ‚ฌ1.20 toll to the Greeks and then have the passports looked at by the Bulgarian border guard.

With the usual presence of the selfish morons who think they shouldn’t have to wait and the temperature in the mid thirties tempers were starting to rise. Two Bulgarian ladies decided enough was enough and, jumping from their cars, not only rebuked the attempting queue jumpers but actually stood in front of them daring them to move. Bravo ladies! ๐Ÿ™‚

Bulgarian Women For Fairness ๐Ÿ™‚

Once clear of the border we continued on to the campsite. The last kilometre or so is a stretch of very poor road. We were slowed to a crawl in fear of the caravan & contents.

On arriving at the site we were greeted by owners John & Sara and John enthusiastically showed us around. The campsite is nicely laid out with space for maybe six motorhome/camper/caravan unit.

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